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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Conversations with Andrew (Accusation)

Setting the scene:  All morning Ainsley has been trying to destroy the Lego tunnel Jim made for Andrew's race cars to go through (we don't call her 'Godzilla' for nothin') and none of my tactics seemed to deter her.  She tried once again and I said 'No. Don't touch.' and picked her up and moved her 3 feet away.  She proceeded to have a tantrum, throwing herself backward and crying.  Andrew didn't even notice what was going on until he saw me put her down, and her start rolling on the ground crying.

Andrew:  What did you do to her, Mommy?
Me: Nothing, Bud.  I just moved her out of the way.
Andrew:  Did you push her down?
Me: No.
Andrew:  Did you hit her?
Me: No, I just moved her and she got upset.
Andrew:  Mommy, what did you do to Ainsley?  Did you hurt her?
Me:  No, she's fine.

Great.  This is how rumors get started.

Friday, September 9, 2011

You know you're a mommy when... (9.9.11)

deep down inside, there's a part of you that maybe kinda likes it a little bit when your child is scared of thunderstorms/way overtired/under the weather/recovering from a boo boo/experiencing separation anxiety/*insert traumatic event here* because you get some cuddle time out of it.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

You know you're a mommy when... (9.8.11)

at least once in your Mommyhood (or if you're like me, once/week) you've protested cleaning up after your child(ren) because... what's the point?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You know you're a mommy when... (8.2.11)

you pride yourself in your clever resourcefulness.  My latest example: using breastmilk storage bags to freeze leftover pizza sauce! Genius.

The pizza sauce was delicious and unbelievably easy, by the way.  The best part is that you don't even have to turn your stove on to make it!  Here's the recipe:


  • 1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • 1/2 tablespoon dried oregano
  • 1/2 tablespoon dried basil  (I used fresh basil)
  1. Mix together the tomato paste, water, and olive oil.  Add garlic, salt and pepper to taste, oregano, and basil. Mix well and let stand several hours to let flavors blend. No cooking necessary, just spread on dough.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

You know you're a mommy when... (7.17.11)

while relaxing to the sounds of Enya in a dimly-lit room after finally cashing in your Mother's Day gift certificate for a much-needed massage, you suddenly feel the urge to say out loud, "this little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home..." when the massage therapist touches your toes.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Conversations with Andrew - Broken record

Andrew: Mommy, can I have a cheese sandwich?
Me: Yes, Bud.  I'm making it right now.
Andrew: Can I have a cheese sandwich?  Can I have one?
Me: Yes, it's coming.
Andrew: Can I have a cheese sandwich?  Can I have a cheese sandwich? Can I have a cheese sandwich? Can I have a cheese sandwich? Can I have a cheese sandwich? Can I have a cheese sandwich? Can I have a cheese sandwich...
Me: Andrew, Mommy heard you.  I'm making it for you... see? You don't need to keep asking.
Andrew: Mommy.... can I keep asking?  Can I keep asking?  Can I keep asking?  Can I keep asking?  Can I keep asking?  Can I keep asking?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Conversations with Andrew - Ainsley's Birthday

As we were sitting down to our dinner of mac 'n cheese and hot dogs in honor of Ainsley's first birthday...

Me: We're having some of Ainsley's favorite foods tonight since it's Ainsley's birthday.
Andrew:  Yes!  It's Ainsley's birthday today!
Me:  It sure is.  We're celebrating when Ainsley was born and became part of our family.  She was just a little tiny baby when she was born.
Andrew:  And now she's a little tiny Ainsley!

Monday, June 27, 2011

You know you're a mommy when... (6.27.11)

standards for acceptable topics of conversation have been significantly lowered, as you regularly broadcast your child's pooping habits and the word 'nipple' no longer makes you blush, or even pause.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

You know you're a mommy when... (6.22.11)

you sit on the couch sipping coffee and watching TV while your kids are still sleeping and 10 minutes later realize you're watching Disney Jr.... all by yourself.  Oops!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Dad's Life

You've probably seen this before, but Jim and I still laugh out loud whenever we watch this so maybe you will too!

A Dad's Life

On a serious note, wanted to give a shout-out to my awesome husband, Jim.  I see what my he does for us everyday and am so appreciative of how hard-working, sacrificial and involved he is.  He works hard so I can stay home and the kids can take gym class and have Chik-fil-A for lunch.  He takes Andrew to swim lessons on his day off.  He helps with dinner and bedtimes when he's tired after a long day.  He does it all without hesitating or complaining.  Dads are so essential, but sadly often absent and my husband goes above and beyond the 'call of duty' to make our family feel important and loved.  We love you, honey, and we're so thankful for you!

And to my dad, thank you for always being there when I need you and thank you for still being there.  I'm blessed to have grown up having a Dad who wants to know me and be involved.  I love you, Dad!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Death by Chocolate? Don't mind if I do.

Today, I was making one of my super-easy, delicious and pretty summer desserts and thought, why not share the recipe with all 40 people who read this blog on occasion?!  I was especially excited to make this because I finally have my own trifle dish (bought it at Target for $11!) and don't have to borrow one to make this anymore.  I love trifles.  They make desserts extra pretty.  That is until you serve it up and it turns into mush.  But that's OK because then they still taste pretty darn good.


1 box of Devil's Food Cake Mix (plus, all ingredients to make the cake)
1 16 oz. container of frozen whipped topping, such as Cool Whip, thawed
1 box of Chocolate Mousse Mix (plus, ingredients to make the mousse)
1 bar of chocolate covered English toffee, such as Heath Bar, crushed

Bake cake according to package instructions and let cool, cut into small cubes.  Prepare mousse according to package instructions and refrigerate.  In a trifle dish or glass serving bowl, layer cubes of chocolate cake, followed by mousse, then Cool Whip.  Repeat.  Top with crushed Heath Bar (we prefer semi-sweet chocolate shavings rather than candy).  Refrigerate until serving.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

You know you're a mommy when (6.9.11)

You have the privilege of being entertained by your child's interpretations of everyday things he encounters.  These are a few of my favorite Andrewisms:

~  Looking at my abundant moles and freckles: 'Mommy, you have polka-dots!'
~  Watching the cars on Street Road at rush hour from the Yum Yum parking lot: 'Look at the cars!  They're all racing!'
~  After spotting a jar of pickles in the fridge:  'Look!  They're swimming!  And that one has a TAIL!'
~  Playing with a pile of Cheerio's at the kitchen table:  'I made a big Sandcastle!'
~  Andrew's response after I asked him to take a bite of his grilled cheese:  'I put it in my mouth.  It went down the drain.'
~  As he was watching his pee come out and go into the potty, 'I'm making a waterfall!'
~  When we were outside checking out a rainbow after a storm, 'There's a tunnel in the sky.'

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

You know you're a mommy when... (6.7.11)

When you get home from family vacation, you review the 300 photos you took and realize that 295 are of your kids; half can be deleted because your child(ren) are not looking, are grumpy, or are 1 of 8 photos of them in the same pose; you only find yourself in the 6 pictures you managed to take yourself; and you don't have any photos of the other family members who were with you all week.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things...

Apparently today is Oprah's final show.  I actually don't really watch Oprah, but I thought I'd give a nod to the Queen of Daytime and steal one of her themes. :-)  I know I'm not Oprah, but I have favorites too!  Since I'm always looking for new products/recipes/tips, please feel free to share some of your faves!

1.  Barnes and Noble's online storytime.  This is great entertainment for when I'm folding laundry or cleaning and need Andrew to do something quietly on his own.  His favorites are "Smash Crash" and "Charlie the Ranch Dog."  You can also create a playlist so you don't have to keep restarting them!

2.  JoJo Electronic Easter Egg Hunt toy.  My mom got one for Andrew for Easter and it may just be my favorite toy ever... and it probably one of Andrew's favorites too!  This is also great entertainment because I can get things accomplished while still playing with Andrew.  You just turn the egg on and hide it and it calls out things like "Yooo hooo!" until Andrew finally finds it!  It's really cute hearing Andrew say "JoJo" too.  :-)

3. BeFunky.com.  Don't have photoshop?  No problem!  You can upload a photo and have fun editing it on this website and end up with beautiful creations like this...

and this...

4.  Strawberry muffins.  We're trying to get Andrew to try eating fruits and vegetables (he doesn't eat them... ever.) so I've been getting things like strawberries and putting a few pieces on his plate at each meal so hopefully at some point he'll decide to try it.  Anyway, when I did strawberry week a few months ago, we had a ton of leftover strawberries so I found this recipe to make sure they didn't get wasted.  They're delicious and that's how I eventually got my kid to try strawberries!  The only tweak I made was adding 1/2 tsp of cinnamon.

5.  Restaurant.com If you don't use this site, you need to start.  Now.  Local restaurants use Restaurant.com to for promotion purposes so they'll offer a $25 gift certificate for $10-15.  Steal, right?  Well it gets better.  If you sign up for emails from them, they'll send you (regularly) coupon codes for an additional 50-80% off!  That means that you get a $25 gift certificate for $2-3!  They also offer gift certificates in other increments like $10 or $50.  Just be sure to check the fine print for restrictions.  We use this sight a lot when trying new restaurants and are even planning to download a few gift certificates for our trip to Charleston nexy week.  I'll even help you out for your first purchase.  They are currently running an 80% off promotion through Memorial Day.  Enter code: FLAG.

6.  Coffee + Ellen Degenerous + Oreos (or Chris Shafer's 'I've-Died-And-Gone-To-Heaven' brownies - that's what I've named them anyway - if you have some on hand) + silence coming from the monitors.

7.  Mr. Clean Magic Erasers.  This product completely lives up to its name!  I used it on the wall behind the high chair that has been splattered with pureed prunes, peas, etc. for the past few years.  Despite all my best efforts, the dried up splatter has stayed on the wall - until now.  After about 30 seconds of using my Magic Eraser, I can testify that this product is indeed magic.  I immediately went out and bought a box to have on hand. 

8.  Garden-to-table cooking.  Although we've been slacking so far this year, we usually have a pretty good garden in the summer.   (Correction:  Jim has a good garden.  He's the one with the green thumb.)  This year, we are even growing plumbs and peaches!  Anyway, I recently discovered something called Outstanding in the Field.  They travel to local farms, hire a local chef, set out an impressive display and serve up locally grown food.  I would have bought my tickets to the one in Perkasie, PA by now if I had $200/plate to drop on it!  Anyway, I love the philosophy of eating fresh, homegrown food so I've been looking into trying new garden-to-table or farm-to-table recipes.  If you're into that sort of thing, here are a few links: AllRecipes.com Garden-to-Table Page, Garden to Table Blogs

From healthy food to comfort food...

9.  The Happy Waitress.  This was a Jersey Diner favorite of mine that is my ultimate comfort food.  Bacon, tomato, bacon, melted cheese, bacon, all grilled together on the bread of your choice (I like rye) ... did I mention the bacon?  Everything is better with bacon.  If only I could have it with a side of Disco fries.  Try not to drool on your computer.

10.  The Library.  There is a whole world of entertainment and education available to you and guess what... it's FREE!  I don't know why I never took advantage of everything it had to offer before.  We did 'Toddler Tales' (story/play time) when Andrew was younger and he loved it.  Lately we like to go play in the children's section and read books on rainy days.  Yesterday I stocked up on kids DVD's for our upcoming 12-hour road trip.  Score!

the [play]dating game

I scored some digits at the park yesterday.  I have to admit, it made me pretty happy.  Unfortunately, she gave me her number because she didn't have her phone so who knows if I'll ever work up the nerve to give her a call to schedule a playdate.  And how would that conversation even go, anyway?  

'Hi Colleen, this is Julie.  You know, the girl from the park.  My kid had a tantrum because your kid took the open swing...  Well, ummm, I ummm... was wondering if you'd maybe want to get together for a ummm... playdate sometime?  If you don't have anything better to do.  No pressure...'

Since when did being a Mom start to so closely resemble awkward teenage dating life?  Or that notoriously painful scene from the movie 'Swingers' when Mikey's calling the girl he just met?

Being a say-at-home-mom, I feel that it's absolutely necessary to have relationships with other women who are in a similar situation, which means let the play-dating games begin!.  The benefits are endless.  Some that come to mind:

~ It's good for my kids.  I don't want my kids to be isolated at home with me all day every day.  Being social with other kids is essential.  I can tell that Andrew takes after me and can be pretty inhibited so it's good for him to be around other kids and learn to play and interact. 

~ It gives me someone over the age of 2 to converse with.  Don't get me wrong, Andrew and I have some pretty stimulating conversations, but mostly about colors or trucks.  By the time Jim gets home from work and we get through dinner and bedtime, my brain has pretty much shut down so I don't have a lot of daily adult conversation.

~ It keeps us busy.  We try to get out of the house at least once everyday... even if it's just time in the backyard, or a trip to Chik-fil-A for lunch.  It's so important for us to get out.  Otherwise, cabin fever starts to threaten us.  Playdates are a great way to break up the day!

~ It allows me to commiserate/relate with someone else.  Aside from my husband, who else can I talk to about sleeping habits (or lack there of), feeding schedules, what to make for dinner and mom jeans?

~ If we're being honest here, it allows me to avoid house work for another day.  :-) Dusting can wait.  The laundry can wait.  The dishes can wait.  Fun for me and the kids can't wait.  Priorities.

~ It preserves my identity aside from just being 'Mommy.' It can be easy to get lost in the identity of Mom and forget about 'Julie' who likes chocolate, shoes, cooking and the beach.  It's nice to talk about me and learn about someone else sometimes and not focus solely on the kids.  Any opportunity to be around other women is an opportunity to build a friendship.

Fortunately, all of these reasons make the whole play-dating game completely worth it... which may just inspire me to 'make the next move.'  I've been hesitating publishing this post for fear of looking silly or sharing too much, but then I remembered the reason I started this ridiculous blog in the first place - to share some of those 'only a Mom can relate to this' moments and hope that other women are reading this and nodding their heads and maybe even giving me an 'Amen!'  I suppose that eventually you just have to put yourself out there. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Conversations with Andrew - Boo boo

Andrew got a boo boo on his knee yesterday when we was pushing the laundry basket up and down the hallway.  I was trying to figure out how it happened.  The conversation went like this...

Me: How did you get that boo boo on your knee?
Andrew: [blank stare]
Me: What did you hit it on?
Andrew: My knee.
Me: Yes, but where did you hit your knee?
Andrew: Right there.
Me: Where?
Andrew: On my knee.
Me: Where did you bang your knee?
Andrew: On my leg!
Me: Yes, I know you got a boo boo on your leg.  Did you hit it on the floor?  Or on the door?
Andrew: On our house.
Me: Oh yeah?  You banged your knee on our house?
Andrew: Yes.  We live here.

I felt like I was in a weird version of 'Who's on First.'  I still don't know how he hurt himself.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

You know you're a mommy when... (5.19.11)

on the off-chance you leave the house without children, a diaper bag, snacks and sippy cups, extra toys and the monstrosity also know as a double-stroller, you feel a little bit lost and maybe even kinda miss the extra baggage.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Conversations with Andrew - Surprise

Me: Andrew, are you a boy or a girl?
Andrew: Boy?
Me: Yes, you're a boy!  What's Daddy - a boy or a girl?
Andrew: Boy!
Me: That's right!  What's Mommy?
Andrew: It's a surprise!

I guess that's one way of putting it.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I love my babies.

10 of my favorite things about my kids:

1. They look like this when they smile:

2. They go to bed at 7:30 pm and sleep till 7:30 am.
3. They don't care what I look like when I get up in the morning, smell like after a hot day outside or sound like when I sing.
4. Now that Ainsley can crawl, she follows me around.  Everywhere.
5. Andrew loves to 'help' Mommy cook.
6. They both love to cuddle.
7. I asked Andrew what he was getting me for Mother's Day and he said 'chocolate.' He knows me so well.
8. When I sneeze, Ainsley laughs and Andrew says 'bless you.'
9. They always save their biggest poops for when Jim is around. :-)
10. I can tell they love me too.

Happy Mother's Day to all my fellow Mommies!  I hope you have a fun day celebrating your favorite things about being a Mom!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Kids are weird.

They are awesome, but weird.  I remember when Andrew was really young, like 8/9 months, Jim and I started to question if maybe there was something 'wrong' (for lack of a better word) with our son.  He just did things that didn't make sense, or as my Grammie would have said 'O-D-D Odd!'  He still does.  More and more every day.  He's weird.  But weird for kids is almost normal because all kids are weird.

Recently, Andrew had the privilege of riding in one of those nifty shopping carts that has a car attached to the front.  He was so excited to sit in there like a big boy and for about 5 minutes he did what you'd expect him to do: steer the steering wheel, honk the horn, try to grab things off of shelves, check things out from his new perspective... then at one point we looked at him and he was curled up in a ball on the seat with his back to us.  Ooooooo kaaaaaay.... Then by the time we got to the check out, he was having little bursts of a shrieking noise that made everyone within 30 feet stop and stare.  All we could do is roll our eyes and laugh.  O-D-D Odd.

This morning, I asked him what he wanted for breakfast.  He didn't answer.  So I asked him if he wanted oatmeal or hot cereal.  Blank stare.  So I made oatmeal.  He ate about 4 bites, then didn't touch it for about half and hour.  I asked him if he was finished and he said, and I quote "All done."  So I dumped it.  2 seconds later he told me he wanted more oatmeal.  Andrew doesn't eat, especially fruits and veggies and we recently discovered that we can puree fruit, add it to his breakfast and he doesn't even notice.  In fact a few times I think I actually heard an "Mmmmm" out of him!  So anyway, because he doesn't usually ask for food, I clarified with him asking him if he was sure he wanted more oatmeal.  "Yes, more oatmeal," he said.  So I made him more oatmeal, adding the fruit, and as soon as I set it down (about a minute after he initially asked), he told me he didn't want anymore oatmeal.  Grrr!  So it sat on his little table untouched.  Mid-morning, I asked him what he wanted for a snack.  He told me he wanted toast so I made him some toast.  I few minutes later, I was putting laundry away and he came running back to me with his toast ripped up into a thousand teeny tiny pieces in a bucket.  That's what he wanted toast for??

There are also certain words that he uses that suddenly sound British, like boat, Daddy and remote.  You have to hear it to get the full effect, but it's pretty weird. 

Ainsley loves her pacifiers.  She's had the ability to find her paci and put it her mouth basically since she entered the world.  It's pretty impressive.  So when we put her in her crib, she has a paci in her mouth and a couple more near her so when she loses one, chances are she'll find another and pop it back in her little mouth.  This strategy has really come in handy.  Well the other day, I put her down for her nap when she was almost asleep and was thoroughly entertained watching her in our video monitor (one of the greatest inventions ever!).  For about 5 minutes, my daughter did this routine of sucking on one pacifier, while holding another in her hand.  After a few seconds, she would spit the one in her mouth out and replace it with the one she was holding.  Then she would grab the one she just spit out, spit out the one she just put in, and replace it with the new one... And this went on and on until she lost one.  Wow.  I was laughing out load. 

More recently, now that Ainsley can sit up, stand and move around in her crib, she wiggles over to the side, pulls back the bumper and throws all of her pacifiers overboard one by one.  Then sits there, crying and reaching for them.  Poor baby.  I can't feel that sorry for her because she's doing it to herself!  I go in there, give her back all of her paci's and 3 minutes later they are all on the floor again!

It seems I have these moments every day... when all I can do is just blink my eyes at my kiddos and think 'are they for real?' but I appreciate those moments because of the joy and entertainment they provide me, even if it's not intentional!  I just have to love my weird kids. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

For all the Daddy's

I just looked at my calendar this morning and realized that Mother's Day is only 1 week away!  I am usually quite a planner, but somehow missed the day that's sole purpose is to celebrate Moms!  Hopefully you're on top of things and have been planning something for the mother of your beloved children for some time now, but if not may I offer a gift idea?

I got a necklace like this for my sister, Heather, for her birthday a few months ago.  She loves it and yes, of course she has to say that, but I really think she does and I love it too.  And because I love it so much, my wonderful hubby got one for me for Valentine's Day!   This artist personalizes them and will pretty much do anything you ask.  The necklace I linked to (and the one pictured above) is actually the one Jim got me.  The one I gave my sister is a little different. You can change the stones according to your kids' birthdays too.  My necklace has July and December birthstones and initial stamp for each child!  Very thoughtful and personal, right?  And doesn't make much of a dent on the wallet... not that your wife isn't worth gold and diamonds.  I love everything in this woman's store so check out all that she has to offer.  She can also ship them fast so if you've waited till the last minute, you should probably start moving!  Here's the link again http://www.etsy.com/listing/66443034/original-version2-leaf-initials-and-1

Good luck!

Friday, April 29, 2011

You know you're a mommy when... (4.29.11)

You find blocks in a tissue box, bath toys in the hamper, and magnets in the Tupperware drawer all in one morning.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Conversations with Andrew - Imaginary food

Andrew, taking imaginary food out of the carpet and holding it up to my mouth: Here you go, Mommy  Here's one!
Me:  Thank you.  Mmmmm.  Yummy.
Andrew, putting imaginary food in his mouth:  Yum Yum Yum!
Me:  What are you eating, Andrew?
Andrew:  Ummmm... chocolate!
Mommy:  That sounds yummy.  Is Mommy eating chocolate too?
Andrew: No.
Me:  What's Mommy eating?
Andrew:  Ummmm... vegetables!

Gee thanks.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day/Easter/Birthday/Mother's Day/Spring!

Andrew and Ainsley (with a little help from their Mama) made these this morning.  I stole the concept from a similar craft we did at P2, our church play group, a few weeks ago.  We made a bunch *spoiler alert!* (for Grandma, Aunt Karen, and Aunt Loren's birthdays, as well as an extra for Mommy and one for Mimi) because I couldn't get over how stinkin' cute they came out!  As if you couldn't figure it out just by looking at the picture, here's our process...

Make sure you have one of Daddy's old t-shirts.  We use a chip clip to get it nice and snug.  Here's my handsome son modeling his make-shift smock.  He looks thrilled, doesn't he?

There.  That's better.  :-)  That's how he smiles on command.

Make sure everything is handy so you're not running around looking for more paper while your child puts finger prints on your walls.

Especially wipes for those soon-to-be-messy hands.

Glue some strips of construction paper (or yarn or pipe cleaners if you have that kind of thing just lying around) to a sheet of paper.  Do the green handprints.

Then add the flowers.  We have been using up Andrew's birthday paper plates from December as a palate.  He wanted to do blue and yellow flowers so I mixed the finger paints.

Tada!  You have made adorable handprint flowers!  The perfect gift for Easter/Mother's Day/Earth Day/Spring/Birthdays/Just Because!  Now hang it on your fridge so everyone can admire your kids' handwork or come up with an excuse to give them to your loved ones.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Conversations with Andrew (4.19.11)

To set the scene, Andrew and I were having lunch while Ainsley was napping so I had the monitor near me.

Andrew: Mommy, see the monitor?
I turned the screen on (we have a video monitor) so he could see Ainsley, and handed it to him.
Andrew (looking at the screen):  I see Ainsley!
Me:  Yes, Ainsley's sleeping.
Andrew: Ainsley's going night night in her crib!
Me: Yes, there she is.
Andrew:  So beautiful!
Me (getting a little teary-eyed):  Awww... yes, Andrew, Ainsley's beautiful!
Andrew (very matter-of-factly):  No, Mommy, the monitor.

My mistake.  :-)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Conversations with Andrew (4.17.11)

Andrew (after eating an entire chocolate glazed donut - don't judge me, it's not every day he does this): More donut?
Me: Sorry, Buddy.  It's all gone.
Andrew: More donut, please?
Me: There isn't anymore.
Andrew: How about... Mommy's donut?
Me: Mommy doesn't have a donut.  
Andrew: How about... another donut?
Me:  There isn't another donut.  You ate the only donut.
Andrew: How about... get another donut?

Wow, he is definitely his father's son.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fire it up!

It's that time of year again... when the birds start singing, the sun sets later, you suddenly feel the urge to expose your Casper-white skin to the sun and you're inspired to uncover the grill and stock up on propane (or charcoal if that's what you're into).  Jim and I love grilling.  Well, mostly I love grilling because Jim is the grill master in our house and that means one less thing for me to cook!  Since it's grilling time again, I thought I'd share a few of our favorite homemade marinade recipes to get you in the grilling mood.

Tip:  Our favorite way to marinate meat or veggies is by using a gallon-sized Ziplock bag.  Throw the meat/veggies in a Ziplock, pour the marinade in, squish it around and let it sit in the fridge for a while.  For all of the recipes below, just whisk ingredients together and pour over meat.

Lois's Rosemary Balsamic Marinade
*Can be used for chicken or pork
2 Tbsp dijon mustard
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 Tbsp lemon juice
2 Tbsp olive oil
2 tsp minced garlic
1 tsp dried crushed rosemary (or 4 tsp fresh chopped rosemary)
Salt & pepper

Rachel Ray's Honey Lemon Marinade 
Juice and zest of 1 large lemon (3 tablespoons juice)
3 tablespoons honey
2 teaspoons finely chopped garlic
1-1/2 teaspoons ground cumin (I find that 1/2 tsp is enough)
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
Salt and freshly ground pepper

Soy Citrus Marinade
*We've used this one for chicken, kielbasa, veggies, and pinapple.  As Andrew would say, 'Deeeeeelicious!'
3/4 c. pineapple juice
1/4 c. cider vinegar
1/4 c. vegetable oil
2 Tbsp. sugar
2 Tbsp. soy sauce
1 tsp. minced garlic
Salt and pepper

Cilantro-Lime Marinade
*This one is great for fajitas!
1/4 c. veg. oil
juice of 1 lime
1 garlic clove, minced
1 Tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. onion powder
Dash hot sauce
Salt and pepper

We're always looking to try new things so if you have a favorite, feel free to share!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Time flies...

My baby girl is 9 months old today!  I really can't believe it's been 9 months since we first met her.  It seemed like the 9 months before that were spent in denial, not that I didn't want to have another baby (I did!), I just didn't expect it to happen so quickly and I had a hard time wrapping my head around how our family (and our lives) would change once our family of 3 became a family of 4.  I don't think reality hit me until after we brought Ainsley home from the hospital and settled into our routine.  When I was pregnant, I struggled with guilt.  It's a pretty weird thing actually, to feel guilty about being pregnant.  I had such a great connection with Andrew and we had a pretty good thing going and I was nervous about something (or someone) changing that.  I was also nervous about how becoming a big brother at such a young age (he was 18 months when Ainsley was born) would change him.  He was a Mama's boy - very affectionate and enjoyed sitting on my lap to read a book, play with a toy or work on a puzzle - and I was afraid that my having to put Ainsley first sometimes would make Andrew more distant or that he would be resentful of me or her.  I'm very happy that, although it's been a juggling act at some points, he's still a Mama's boy. :-)  He's still not as enamored with his baby sister as we are, but he's coming around slowly.

It's been so much fun to discover Ainsley's personality over the past 9 months, and watch her discover the world.  She is such a busy baby.  Jim and I joke that she has ADD, but I think we both think it may actually be a real possibility.  The girl does not stop moving except when she finally gives in and falls asleep.  She fights sleep with every ounce of energy she can muster and I think she does that because she doesn't want to miss anything.  Little does she know that we are just not that interesting and by taking a nap she's only missing Mommy sip coffee and fold laundry while watching House Hunters International.  As I type this, she is sitting in her crib peaking over the bumper and cracking herself up.  She's always smiling and wide-eyed and wants to be in the center of all the action.  She's going to be social, ambitious and stubborn!  She's also really sweet and patient, but she'll let us know when she's had enough.  Ainsley is also the loudest one of us.  Jim, Andrew and I are all pretty reserved and mellow, but Ainsley is way more out-spoken, enthusiastic and animated than we are!  It's amazing that at only 9 months, I can know this child so well yet have so much more to learn.  All I know that each moment and each discovery has been, and will continue to be, a blessing. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

You know you're a mommy when... (4.11.11)

You suddenly have the ability to understand jibberish.  Case in point...
Ha-tet = Helicopter
Die = Car
Shoo shoo = Tissue OR Choo Choo
See-Yo = Cereal OR Cheerio
Neena = Noodle
The sound it makes when you say "Buh" while moving your tongue back and forth across your lips = Banana
Foo-Fah-Set = I bet you can't get this one.  If you have a guess, enter it in the 'Comments.'  :-)

Friday, April 8, 2011

What's the 411?

Apparently it's National Cheese Fondue Day!  Who knew?  In case you weren't able to get a reservation at a participating Melting Pot restaurant (click here for more information and for a last minute attempt at reservations) to get your FREE cheese fondue between 4/11 and 4/14, you can always make your own (that is, if you happen to own a fondue pot)!  If you ever needed a reason to celebrate some cheesy goodness, 4/11 is your day!

Jim and I bought a fondue pot a few months ago in order to start a new Christmas Eve/Andrew's birthday tradition of a fondue night and it was a huge hit!  We did a cheddar/beer cheese fondue followed by a Creme de Menthe chocolate fondue.  So yummy.  Here is a great site for cheese fondues. http://www.bestfondue.com/beer-cheddar-fondue.html
Here are a few of The Melting Pot's best kept secrets. 3 Recipes from The Melting Pot

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

You know you're a mommy when... (4.7.11)

sometimes you don't care how big a mess you're going to have to clean up as long as it's keeping your kid busy, quiet and in one place for a few minutes.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Youtube is a gold mine

A friend recently posted a link on her Facebook to Jason Mraz's appearance on Sesame Street singing "Outdoors."  (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrqF7yD10Bo)  Being a big fan of his clever lyrics and wordplay, I obviously couldn't resist checking it out and what I discovered (in addition to an entertaining video) was a whole world of celebrity appearances on Sesame Street, Wow Wow Wubbzy, etc.  Andrew loves them!  Gotta love Youtube for some easy, free and *sometimes* educational entertainment!  Here are a few of his (our) favorites!  Please let me know if you find any other good ones!

Feist sings "1, 2, 3, 4" on Sesame Street http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZ9WiuJPnNA

We actually have this song on a Kids CD someone made for Andrew (thanks, Cindy!) and the other day while driving in the car, I turned it off to put the radio on.  Then I heard from the backseat, "What happened?  I like that song."  Who knew my son was a Beyonce fan?!

Katy Perry and Elmo "Hot N Cold" (I know this one is controversial because of what Katy Perry is wearing, but this is actually Andrew's favorite and he has no idea that she's wearing a revealing top so I play it for him anyway) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHROHJlU_Ng

For a listing of all celebrity guests on Sesame Street, click here http://www.sesamestreet.org/onair/celebrityguests

Saturday, April 2, 2011

You know you're a mommy when... (4.2.11)

you go to Target to buy storage bins and leave with 2 books, Mickey Mouse crayons and some plastic Easter eggs (from the Dollar Section), a couple of t-shirts, a pair of pants (they were on clearance) and a new Phillies hat for your son, Gazillion Bubbles refills, 2 beach towels... oh, and storage bins.

Friday, April 1, 2011

They're not perfect, but I'm proud of them.

No, I'm not talking about my wonderful kiddos, although the same is true for them.  I'm referring to my little project...  I'm not sure if I should call it a 'craft' or what because I'm really not crafty, but I decided to make these for Ainsley's room a few months ago and my fairly simple project that should have taken me a day or 2 took about 2 months.

I ran into a few obstacles along the way.  #1.  I bought cheap frames at Walmart and wanted to spray paint the frame matting green.  I learned not to do this on a windy day outside because before the paint could dry, leaves and bugs were stuck to the paint.  I had to spray again and then take it inside to fully dry.  #2.  When spray-painting a plastic stencil (they only came in blue), be sure to buy spray paint made for plastic.  The first time it was all splotchy and uneven and I had to buy new stencils and spray paint.  #3.  Make sure you measure to see if the stencil will actually fit in the matting.  The stencil (which I had finally finished) ended up being too small to fit in the matting.  I had to improvise and add the pink borders.  #4.  It's not a good idea to leave the finished product on the floor next to a can of Lysol because little hands can get ahold of the Lysol and saturate the picture so much that the matting gets stained and needs to be spray painted all over again!   Despite all of the snags, they are finally ready to hang!

Now let's see how long it takes to actually get them on the walls.

ps.  Before I fool you into thinking that I am the creative genius that came up with this fun easy idea, I should confess that it wasn't mine.  I saw the concept on someone else's blog (she apparently IS crafty because she was clever enough to think of it!).  It was a random person's blog and I can't even remember whose or how I ended up there so I'm sorry for not being about to give specific credit where credit is due.  Hopefully this creative stranger will forgive me.  Afterall, imitation is the best form of flattery.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

You know you're a mommy when...

someone else's sleeping habits have the ability to make or break your entire day.

I should start a blog...

Every day I seem to have an 'I should start a blog' moment... whether it's to commiserate with my fellow mommies, or to share an idea or story, or just to fill up those boring hours when the kids happen to be sleeping at the same time and I should be cleaning.  Last night I was sharing some stories with Jim and my parents and they said 'You should start a blog' and for some reason I needed someone else to tell me that... so here I am!  This is as much for my own entertainment as it may be for you and will probably just be a whole lot of 'T.M.I's' about my life so consider this a disclaimer of sorts.  Here goes nothin'!