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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Conversations with Andrew (Accusation)

Setting the scene:  All morning Ainsley has been trying to destroy the Lego tunnel Jim made for Andrew's race cars to go through (we don't call her 'Godzilla' for nothin') and none of my tactics seemed to deter her.  She tried once again and I said 'No. Don't touch.' and picked her up and moved her 3 feet away.  She proceeded to have a tantrum, throwing herself backward and crying.  Andrew didn't even notice what was going on until he saw me put her down, and her start rolling on the ground crying.

Andrew:  What did you do to her, Mommy?
Me: Nothing, Bud.  I just moved her out of the way.
Andrew:  Did you push her down?
Me: No.
Andrew:  Did you hit her?
Me: No, I just moved her and she got upset.
Andrew:  Mommy, what did you do to Ainsley?  Did you hurt her?
Me:  No, she's fine.

Great.  This is how rumors get started.