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Monday, April 11, 2011

You know you're a mommy when... (4.11.11)

You suddenly have the ability to understand jibberish.  Case in point...
Ha-tet = Helicopter
Die = Car
Shoo shoo = Tissue OR Choo Choo
See-Yo = Cereal OR Cheerio
Neena = Noodle
The sound it makes when you say "Buh" while moving your tongue back and forth across your lips = Banana
Foo-Fah-Set = I bet you can't get this one.  If you have a guess, enter it in the 'Comments.'  :-)


  1. No clue about that last one, but then it took me a month to decode "shoetaddle" as a shadow. Regarding Andrew's unique interpretation of "banana" --you really need to get a video of him saying (doing) that!
